Budapesti Mûszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem  Egyetemi Felnőttképzési Adatbázis

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Vehicle Dynamics

Tervezett képzési idő

Heti 2 óra angol nyelvű előadás, 1 óra angol nyelvű gyakorlat.

A tananyag egységei (moduljai), azok célja, tartalma, terjedelme

On the targets of vehicle dynamics. Dynamical system-parameters of vehicles. Parameterspace, criteriumtspace, dynamical operator. Diagnostics purpose decision-making. The fundamental motion of vehicles. Motion state-, control- and time dependence of the forces determining the fundamental motion.
Versatile analysis of the tractive effort, tractive effort characteristics, tractive effort transients. Versatile analysis of the braking force, braking force characteristics, braking force transients.

The basic traction resistance force and its components. Measurement and evaluation of the basic traction resistance force, construction of the basic traction resistance performance surface. Additional resistance forces: inclination and curving reseistances. Transition curves and rounding-circle-arcs in vertical plane. The resultant traction resistance as a motion-state and interaction-force dependent non-linear function. Compliments to the basic traction resistance: resultant journal friction moment in the drive system, rolling resistance as a result of the energy dissipation on the wheel/rail contact area. Peripheral force transmitted by the wheel/rail rolling contact, creepage-dependent force transfer.

The non-linear theories of Carter and Kalker. Linearised theories. Generation of braking torque. Mechanics and tribology of the block-brake. The phenomenon of thermoelastic instability. The friction functional. Mechanics and tribology of drum- and disc-brakes. The fundamental motion process of the vehicle in complex environment. Flow-chart of the fundamental motion process. The "driver - vehicle" system as a "man - machine" system. Vector of the outer controls. Stochasticity sources in the flow-chart. The full system as a stochastic MISO. Stochastic simulation of the vehicle motion. Simulation of the control-process by a semi-Markovian stochastic process.

The transition probability matrix. Matrix-valued-function of the state-dwelling times. Piece-wise numerical solution to the initial-value problem of the vehicle motion by using random number generation. Simulation of the state-transitions and state-dwelling times. Distribution function of the operation loading conditions. Parasitic motions of vehicles, excited vibration processes. Model formation for dynamical analyses. Generation of motion equations: synthetic and analytic methods. Deduction of the Lagrangean equations of 2nd kind. Connections with the variation-problems. Transfer to the state-space method. Flow chart of a general linear time-invariant vehicle dynamical system.

The eigenvalue problem. Natural angular frequencies and stability-reserves of the linear system. The response of the linear vehicle dynamical system in case of excitation input. System characterisation in the time-domain: the weighting function. Derivation of the system response based on the weighting function by means of the convolution theorem. The transition function. Derivation of the system response based on the transition function by means of the Duhamel-integral. System characterisation in the frequency-domain: the complex frequency function. Systems with periodic and aperiodic excitation, basic theorem of linear dynamics. Stability of vehicle dynamical systems. Stability of the characteristic polynomial. Analysis of the eigenvalue problem. The Routh-Hurwitz criterion The. Ljapunov function. Stochastic excitation of a linear time-invariant vehicle dynamical SISO system. Weekly stationarity in 2.order of stochastic vector-processes. Covariance-function matrix. Spectral-density matrix. Fundamental theorem of statistical dynamics. Determination of the variance and the distribution function of the response process. Example of a four-axle vehicle excited by stochastic track or road irregularities.

A képzési program végrehajtásához szükséges személyi és tárgyi feltételek, ezek biztosításának módja

A személyi és tárgyi feltételeket a képző biztosítja.

Előadók: Dr. Zobory István egyetemi tanár és Dr. Benedek Teofil ny.egyetemi docens

Kapcsolat (név, telefon, fax, e-mail)

Vasúti Járművek Tanszék

Név Telefon Fax E-mail
Tanszéki titkárság 463-1619 463-4382

A kurzus indításának legközelebbi időpontja

A képzés legközelebbi indulásáról a fenti elérhetőségeken szíveskedjenek érdeklődni.

Képzéshez tartozó dokumentumok

  • Képzési tájékoztató,
  • Felnőttképzési szerződés minta,
  • Jelentkezési lap nyomtatvány